Let's cooking

1.Cut onion,sausage,chicken to mouthful size.

2.At first I fry chicken and put sausage ,corn and an onion if fire carries.

3.Put a little salt and pepper.

4.If fire carries generally, I put rice.

5.Fly generally.

6.Put ketchup for preference.

7.I take out rice to a dish first of all.

8.Mix two eggs and milk.(This is point!)

9.Fly it ,small fire
10. If an egg becomes soft and fluffy, I wrap rice
11. It is completed if I take ketchup and demi-glace sauce for preference

Omrice Recipe
EMaterials(for one person)

two eggs
one cup of rice
chicken 100g
quarter onion
two sausage
a little corn.
solt and pepper.
a little milk

that's all!

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